What is the Easiest Way to Get Data into a Proposal?

published on 13 June 2022

Develop a "Quick Add" template for your proposal to distribute to your users.  This will help ensure they include all the necessary fields needed to make reports look good.

The latest version of EstimatorFLEX ( now has the ability to "export" your "layout" for any element that has a "quick add" capability.

Just click the new "export" feature when you go into the "quick add" template and it will download the layout to your downloads folder.

Keep in mind if you are developing a user template that includes multiple "quick add" abilities, you may want to do this while you are logged in with the same permissions as your users.  Different permissions may impact a layout.

ex:  If users don't have the ability to edit fee or burden pools then the number of columns will change.

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